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Urine amino acid analysis

Urine amino acid analysis

What are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are building blocks of all essential structural proteins for the human body and require specific nutrients for their metabolism and use. Among the functions that amino acids perform are: energy generation, synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones, tissue growth and repair, immune function, maintenance of lean body mass and implication in inflammatory processes and glutathione formation for free radical detoxification. Furthermore, diet, lifestyle, hormonal status, stress, physical exercise, intestinal health and particular clinical conditions can influence the use and urinary secretion of amino acids.

What does the amino acid analysis measure

Amino acid analysis measures essential and non-essential amino acids, intermediate metabolites involved in protein metabolism, and dietary markers related to food peptides. The amino acid metabolism requires specific nutrients and their detection is able to directly and indirectly highlight situations of food deficiencies, gastrointestinal imbalances or defects in the detox process.

Why it is important to take this test

This test offers important metabolic, nutritional and neurological clinical data. Amino acid imbalances are often related to attention deficit disorder, depression, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. They could also highlight food deficits or excesses, pathologies affecting the liver or serve as an insight into the patient's gastrointestinal condition.

For these reasons, the urine amino acid test can be used to investigate some clinical scenarios:

  • Mood disorders and depression
  • Monitoring of slimming diets, states of malnutrition (especially in elderly patients and with low protein intake) or vegan/vegetarian diets
  • Indigestion, malabsorption and gastrointestinal problems
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Optimization of sports performance or in post-trauma healing processes (phases in which an increase in nutrients is required) or muscle fatigue
  • Kidney pathologies
  • Liver pathologies
  • Pre and metabolic syndrome (obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance)
  • Autism and behavioral disorders
  • Osteoporosis

How the amino acid analysis is divided

The amino acid analysis is broken down as follows:

  • Essential amino acids that can only be introduced from food sources, essential for proper growth and energy formation
  • Non-essential amino acids which may be of food origin or synthesized by the body
  • Amino acids markers of vitamin B levels: the B vitamins are involved in the metabolism of these amino acids, indirectly highlighting their deficiency
  • Amino acids related to tryptophan metabolism for the formation of the neurotransmitter serotonin
  • Urea cycle markers: by-products associated with nitrogen detoxification
  • Gastrointestinal markers deepen inflammatory situations, dysbiosis or intestinal pathologies
  • Magnesium markers highlight deficiencies of this very important enzyme cofactor

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Contact us

The Val Sambro Analysis Laboratory is open from Monday to Friday. Write us for more information.

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Via Cairoli, 2 - 40121 - Bologna
VAT number 01546951201
Tel: 051.240218 348.7127615 Fax: 051.241330

Laboratory Medical Director
Dott. Alberto Santini
Outpatient Health Director
Dott. Cocchi Daniele

Avv. Laura Lecchi
Via de’ Carbonesi, 23 – 40123 Bologna
P.Iva 02093901201

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